Saturday, May 16, 2009

Belly movement videos

I haven't updated the blog in a few days, so I guess it's about time.

No real news over here, we're still anxiously awaiting for things to get started. My Mom is in town to keep me company while Derek is at work (and potentially drive me to the hospital, should I go into labor very suddenly...although at this point, we're thinking that may not happen). We've been going for walks, hanging out by the pool, getting last minute things accomplished. My next Dr.'s appointment is on Monday, and at that point we'll be discussing inductions. If nothing happens soon, we're guessing I will be induced by the end of next week... which means this is probably our last weekend as just Derek and myself!

Since I'm so far along and room is definitely sparse in my belly, Derek took some video of Baby moving around and trying to stretch out. It's great to watch, so I hope you enjoy!!

Profile shot of Baby moving.

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