Monday, May 25, 2009

Greetings :)

Greetings from the hospital!!!!!!!!!

I am officially in labor as of 4:45am today. I probably began labor around 11pm last night, although I had been getting contractions off and on all yesterday evening. The contractions feel like severe menstrual cramps, not fun at all. They kept me awake for most of the night, althought I think I was able to doze off in between contractions. I was getting them every 5-10 minutes so finally aroung 4:30am we decided it was time to go to the hospital. I was so worried that they would send me home because I was barely dilated or something... we got to L&D and a triage nurse did an internal exam and said I was already 3cm!!!! I WAS SO EXCITED! After being stuck at a fingertip width for the past million weeks, 3 cms sounds so great. The nurse then stripped my membranes, which I guess is supposed to help speed things up. So, I was admitted and I'm now sitting in my delivery room! The nurses drew some blood for tests and hooked me up to an IV, and the same two belts used in the NST are around my belly (one to measure contractions and one to measure Baby's heartbeat). It's funny to watch the contractions on the screen, they look like "Mount Everest" according to Derek :) We've been taking pictures, so we'll have add them soon.

The nurses are going to come in soon to administer pitocin to make my contractions harder/stronger and closer together... THAT should be a lot of fun... I'm just looking forward to the epidural!! We'll update again soon, I just wanted to let everyone know what was going on. We're going to have a Memorial Day Baby after all!!!!!!!!

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