Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Aww man...

I was all excited because our dresser was delivered today and I was going to set it up and then we'd have all the major things we need for Baby's room put together! I opened the box, started taking out alllll the pieces, and grabbed the instruction manual to start putting it together when I realized... "Hmmm, the picture on the front of the instructions does not look like the dresser we ordered. Wait a minute, this says 5-drawer chest! This is definitely NOT what we ordered!!" I considered keeping it, but the dresser came up to just below my shoulders so it definitely wouldn't work as a changing table (which we had planned to do). I was so bummed, so I called Target and told them about the delivery mix-up, so they're shipping us the correct piece and UPS will come by to pick up the other dresser. Of course, I had to repack all the pieces I took out, which is NOT easy (pregnant or not). If any of you have ever ordered a piece of furniture and then had to assemble it yourself, you know what a pain it is to get all those pieces out of the box so imagine putting them all back in so that you can close the box up again.... Ya, no fun. But it's done, so now we just have to wait for our new unit. My guess is that it won't be here for at least another week :( Boo.

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