Thursday, January 14, 2010


I wrote a long post two days ago with all sorts of Adelyn updates in it, and for some reason it didn't post. Grrrrr... I couldn't bear typing it all out again right after that, so I'm just coming back to it now. I'll try to remember everything I had written. Here goes!

As I mentioned, Adelyn was sick over Christmas with her first major cold, which was no fun for any of us. We took her to a clinic on new years day and discovered she had an ear infection. She was prescribed amoxicillan and that cleared it up, but she experienced some nasty side effects that made her almost as miserable as before, poor bug. She's all better now, thank goodness.

Being sick definitely changed her eating habits. All she wanted to do was nurse (which is understandable), and she completely lost interest in solids. She's slowly regaining that interest now, but she has a selective palate. Favorites: squash and sweet potato. Least Favorites: everything else. Ha! She hates pears, tolerates peaches, used to like prunes... she still eats rice cereal, particularly the apple flavor. I gave her orange slices a few days ago and she had fun sucking all the juice out of them. Hopefully this means she's regaining an appetite for a variety of foods! Oh, and she drinks out of a cup. No sippy-cup for her, she's a big girl!

No sign of crawling yet. Addy prefers to roll around in order to get where she wants to go. She is getting really good at standing though! She tries to pull up, but gives up before her heiney can get off the ground, funny girl. Gotta build those arm muscles!
Standing like a big girl, chewing on the handle bar of her Pooh Bear train.

We haven't been very good about taking pictures lately, we've been so busy unpacking and getting settled. Here are just a few pics, all taken with our cell phones.
Crazy hairs!

Crouched in a chair while visiting Great-Grandmother and Great-Granddad Dollins in Gladewater, TX.
Adelyn and Great-Grandma Zivney.
Playing on the swings! Addy thinks they are tons of fun :)

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