Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Tonight was scary. Tornado warning for our county. Tornado sirens going off. Tornadoes popping up around us. I was petrified.

Because I'd never been in anything like this before. And because my daughter, our little angel, was in the front room asleep.

Derek was at the fire station, so I was home alone. He thoroughly prepped me for the worst-case scenario, so I knew what I needed to do. We prepared the "safe room" (Derek's closet - the only "room" with no windows and a decently solid door), so if I needed to take shelter, all I had to do was grab the babe.

Thank heavens we did not need it. I didn't need to dash into Adelyn's nursery, tuck her to my chest and dive onto the closet floor as the walls shook around me (like I pictured in my worst nightmare). Instead, I sat on the couch, glued to the TV, watching the breaking news about cloud rotation and a potential tornado moving from Kilgore into downtown Longview, just miles from where we are in White Oak. Luckily, the cloud rotation weakened to the point where the tv station went back to regularly scheduled programming (ha, that's when you know things are calming down). The rain has eased up over our house, Addy is still asleep, and my blood pressure has lowered back down to normal. I think we are in the clear.

I guess this was my introduction to East Texas weather! I wouldn't mind waiting a long time before experiencing this again.... a loooong, long time.

1 comment:

  1. We found out about all this when we got home tonight. Had Ben and I been able to get off the whole day, who knows where we would've been and what would've happened! I was wondering if you all were hit by anything as I was watching the news, but I am glad to hear it missed everyone.
