Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ultrasounds, purchases, and gifts, oh my!

Yesterday was our growth ultrasound and we got to see our "chunky" baby (at least that's how the u/s tech put it, because it looks like Baby has chubby little cheeks!). Baby is measuring about 1 week small, and the tech estimated Baby's weight to be about 3 lbs 9 oz. I guess we've got some growing to do!! Baby is positioned so that its head is down, its rump is up under my right ribs, and its legs are curved around to my left ribs. Baby also has one arm up near its head, the other down by its side. At least now we have an idea of what each protrusion is!

When the tech was looking at Baby's face, she zoomed in and showed us that Baby was moving its little tongue in and out of its mouth, like it was practicing sucking. Baby also had a grouchy look on its face, probably because someone was poking it with an ultrasound wand. "Quit waking me up, Momma. Just let me go back to sleep!" Here are the ultrasound pics, some of them with my comments in green to clarify what we're looking at. The sonograms are a bit confusing!

Baby's face.
Face again.
Side view of face.
Baby's profile!

After our doctor's appointment, we went to Babies-R-Us and bought our crib mattress, along with a breathable bumper, a mattress pad and two sets of crib sheets. We put the mattress, pad and bumper on the crib last night, so the crib is officially set up! Next we'll move on to something else... we need to get a dresser! Anyone know of somewhere we can get a nice (but not too expensive) espresso colored dresser??

Derek with the crib mattress
Ta Da!
Just a shot showing the inside of the crib so far! Sheets aren't on the mattress yet, that's just the mattress pad.

One more thing: this time we're giving a shout out to our friends Travis, Emily and Macie. They bought us the Fisher Price Rainforest Bouncer chair! Apparently their daughter Macie just loved it :) Thank you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Linny and Derek,
    One of the arists that I watch just had a baby boy named Killian, and the picture they posted was too precious not to share :
    Makes me even more excited all over again!
    Happy Birthday Derek!
    Hope to see both (all three) of the you again soon
