Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It's just been one of those days.

I went to bed last night with the worst heartburn ever. I had never actually experienced heartburn before pregnancy and I've been getting it off and on now for about a week. It's killer. I hate it. BURNING.... At least Baby was happy. Baby kicked so hard that my stomach popped up by about 3 inches - not even kidding. It was funny.

Today started off okay, but I started getting dizzy while on campus, which was weird. And my lower back has been hurting all day. And now I'm frustrated with my stupid numerical models because they aren't working right and take forever to set up. To top it off, it took me an hour to get home because of traffic and dingbat Houston drivers. The only thing I want to do is stay at home, sleep and do baby related things. I'm done with school. Over it.

I called Derek when I got home (upset, of course) and he made me feel a bit better. He's going to take me out to dinner tonight, then we're going to pick up the crib and put it together. That should make me feel better, I hope! We'll post pictures.

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