Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Let's compare bellies...

What do you think, do we match? 22 week belly.

I haven't been feeling very well lately, and Derek was sweet enough to skip his firefighting training tonight just to come home and comfort me. I've had a headache since last Friday that varies in intensity from a dull ache to a severe migraine, so life has been a bit unpleasant... the pain has worn me out so all I want to do is sleep, but even that doesn't do much to help. Hopefully at our doctor's appointment tomorrow they'll be able to give me something to take or have some suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. I was gonna give you a call today, wiggy...
    But I didn't want the ringer to irritate your head :/
    So I'll give you a call tomorrow or something and hope that your head is better by then!
    Love you!

    P.S. your belly aligns perfectly with the image
