Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Addy's 2 weeks old!

Yesterday was the 2 week anniversary of Adelyn's birth and we celebrated by taking her to see the pediatrician for a check-up. Adelyn now weighs 7 lbs 10 ozs and is 20 1/4 inches long! She's a growing sprout, that's for sure. :) In order to weigh her, the nurse had me strip her down to her birthday suit and place her on the scale, which was shaped sort of like a bucket. Addy was not happy being naked so she peed in the weigh scale, HAHA! Poor nurse had to clean that up. All in all, they were very impressed with her progress so that made me happy! The doc removed the rest of Adelyn's umbilical cord, so now she has a cute little belly button.

After the doctor's appointment, they sent us back up to the hospital to do the second PKU heel stick test (testing for genetic disorders). The hospital was freezing and Adelyn was tired of sitting in her car seat, so by the time we were called back, she was not too happy. I held her during the actual heel stick and after the nurse stuck her with the needle, she cried and then had a rather large bowel movement ;) Haha, Addy was like "Take that, Mom and Dad. That's for making me go to the doctor AND the hospital!" The nurse thought it was hilarious.

Adelyn didn't sleep well last night, which means Momma didn't sleep well either. Some nights are better than others, but last night was a bad one. She was up 4 times, and wouldn't go back down after feeding. On a good night, she only gets up twice! She's also been having a lot of gas and tummy pains lately, so that makes her miserable. Poor little peanut. She's doing better today, had several long naps (as did Mom). Addy is wide awake now, laying in her pack 'n play and staring out the patio door at the birds. Hopefully she'll sleep well tonight because we all need it!

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